HealingIntuit Blog Post

Emotions Matter

I feel it is important to acknowledge emotions. While we, so often, look for the “ideal” partner, it can be easy to think that our ideal mate will be “perfect”. Illusion! Yes, we are perfectly imperfect…and imperfectly perfect but it is so very important to remember that we are HUMAN and from my experience, my emotions are very much a HUGE part of that expression of my humanness and ability to Love on this planet, in form/body.
I have been in relationships where, for whatever reason, my partner has thought that we must bypass the emotions and just let go of them in order to just “Be” in the relationship, without attachment. And I disagree. Although I am not my emotions, the expression of that which I am feeling, at the time, is VERY necessary.
So I wanted to honor the space of feeling here…and also be clear that the idea of being “evolved” by means that your emotions need not exist and you become unwilling to hold space for emotions with yourself or someone else, is very much an illusion in and of itself. It would be wise to consider acknowledging your heart on a feeling level and to take the time to express your feelings through your emotions, releasing what does not serve, and being present with your and your partner’s process. Besides, the emotional cleansing process involved is enough to raise the vibration of your authentic nature and relating between your Self and those that you inherently are drawn to. Be well…xo ‪#‎HealingIntuit‬#

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